Can I Get My Kitchen Remodeled in Time for the Holidays?

A contractor holds a paper on a clipboard detailing notes for a kitchen remodeling project timeline.Aren't TV remodeling shows like magic?

A family goes from not knowing what they want to have a custom-designed and renovated kitchen in just minutes. That sounds fantastic! The problem is, that is only fantasy.

The shows tend to leave out the planning and prep that goes into a real kitchen remodeling project. Let's breakdown this process and answer the question, "can I get my kitchen remodeled in time for the holidays?"

What We Want vs. Reality

Most people want what they want right away. Even with that in mind, many people having a remodeling project done will be surprised by how long it takes. Some of the reasons for the delay includes:

  • Working with an inexperienced contractor who gave an inaccurate timeline
  • Homeowners with uncorrected unrealistic expectations
  • Changes throughout the project

Working with an honest, professional contractor and sticking to the plan will help your project finish more quickly.

Can I Get My Kitchen Remodeled in Time for the Holidays?

Or should we say, how long will your project take? Depending on the size of your kitchen and the complexity of the changes you want to make including plumbing and electrical renovations, your project could take between three and five months to complete. The availability of materials may also change the timeline of your project. Smaller kitchen remodeling projects to change up the cabinets or countertops could be done in a few weeks.

With this timeline, now is the perfect time to get your kitchen remodeling project started to finish it in time for the holidays.

What Might Make Your Kitchen Remodel Take Longer?

The more concise your project plan and how well your contractor sticks to it, the quicker your project will finish. Delays can crop up during the process. Special orders and the need for specialty subcontractors will slow your project - especially if schedules do not coordinate well.

Partnering with Kitchen Remodeling Experts to Finish Your Project on Time

We get it, everyone wants their project done now. Here at More for Less Remodeling, we will work with you to plan and design a kitchen remodel that will delight you and your family. Our expert contractors will be able to set a schedule and budget that they will stick to so you can enjoy your new kitchen before the holidays.