Flooring Options to Make Your Home Pet-Friendly

A happy, smiling dog looks up from his bed on the pet-friendly flooring.Picking a type of flooring material during a home remodeling is challenging at the best of times. But when you have a pet, it complicates the process even further. Not only do you need a floor that works for you, but also accommodates their unique needs. Pets can be quite heavy on floors. Accidents happen, and their claws can leave scratches in the material that shortens its life. Thus, choosing the right flooring options as part of a home renovation is a necessity.

Are you wondering which type of floor to choose? That's precisely what we cover here. The following are pet-friendly flooring options that both you and your animals will love.

Tile Flooring

Tile flooring is a great option for three reasons.

  • It's stain-resistant
  • It's water-resistant
  • It's easy to clean

These features make it one of the first flooring types owners consider when looking to make their homes as pet-friendly as they can. If your pet accidentally goes to the bathroom, all you need to do is mop up the mess and then carry on with your regular schedule.

Some tile flooring options are more scratch-resistant than others. Vitrified tiles, for instance, are the most scratch-resistant, and they're also more resistant to chemicals than regular tiles. The downside? Compared to carpet, tiles are cold underfoot. Smooth tiles may also make it difficult for your pets to walk.

Bamboo Flooring

Bamboo flooring is a popular sustainable option right now because it's low-cost, has a low environmental impact, and offers high durability. It is also both stain and scratch-resistant, making it a great floor for pets. So, if there's an accident, you can quickly mop it up without any harm done.

However, pet owners need to be careful when choosing this type of flooring. Quality can vary substantially in (all materials, but definitely in) bamboo flooring.

Vinyl Flooring

Vinyl flooring is another option pet owners should consider. Modern vinyl is a world away from similar flooring options in the past. Manufacturers have become much better at mimicking stone and tile flooring. Today's options look stylish and attractive.

Vinyl offers many practical advantages. For instance, it is effortless to clean and maintain. Water bowl spills and fouling are simple to clean up without any lasting damage. It is also scratch-resistant and provides pets with plenty of grip as they move along. The only downside is the resale value. Buyers tend to want natural flooring materials, not synthetics.

Engineered Hardwood Flooring

Regular wooden flooring and pets don't usually mix too well. Wood absorbs moisture which can be incredibly difficult to extract if your pet decides to go to the bathroom on it. Engineering hardwood floors, however, are different. They are more spill-resistant and typically feature a scratch-resistant outer layer, protecting the wood inside.

Manufacturers make engineered hardwood floors from wood that scores highly on the Janka test - a measure of the material's resistance to wear and denting. The best floors are made of Brazilian cherry and white oak.

Choose the Right Flooring Option for Your, Your Pets, and Your Family with the Help of the Experts

Home projects require planning for all you and your family's needs. A room's remodeling may satisfy some needs while neglecting others, so an alternative is necessary. Working with experienced, professional contractors, like those at More for Less Remodeling, can help you prevent costly stops in a project by having a clear vision from the beginning. Give our team a call today to discuss your plans.